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Some key scientifically reviewed papers and reviews discussing the connection between certain matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and animal models of nerve damage and neuronal apoptosis.

1) Kawasaki, Y, Xu ZZ,  Wang X, Park JY, Zhuang ZY, Tan PH, Gao YJ,  Roy K, Corfas G, Lo EH, Ji RR. Distinct roles of matrix metalloproteases in the early- and late-phase development of neuropathic pain. Nature Medicine, 14(3)  331-336, (2008).

2) Kobayashi H, Chattopadhyay S, Kato K, Dolkas J, Kikuchi S, Myers  R.R, Shubayev  VI. MMPs initiate Schwann cell-mediated MBP degradation and mechanical nociception after nerve damage. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 39, 619-627, (2008).

3) Liu, W.T.; Han, Y.; Liu, Y.P.; Song, A.A.; Barnes, B.; Song, X.J.; Spinal Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Contributes to Physical Dependence on Morphine in Mice, The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(22), 7613-7623, (2010).

4) Agrawal, S.M.; Lau, L.; Young, V.W.; MMPs in the central nervous system: Where the good guys go bad, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 19, 42-51, (2008).

5) Dev, R.; Srivastava, P.K.; Lyer, J.P.; Dastidar, S.G.; Ray, A.; Therapeutic Potential of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors in neuropathic pain, Expert Opin. Investig. Drugs, 19(4), 455-468, (2010).

Selected clinical papers showing an up-regulation of certain MMPs in patients suffering from various inflammatory diseases.

6) Signorelli, S.S.; Malponte, G.; et al. Plasma levels and zymographic activities of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in type II diabetics with peripheral arterial disease, Vascular Medicine, 10, 1-6, (2005).

7) Thrailkill, K.; Bunn, R.C.; Moreau, C.S.; et al. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 dysregulation in type 1 diabetes, Diabetes Care, 30, 2321-2326, (2007).

8) Yossef, M.M.; Megahed, H.A.; et al., Matrix metalloproteinase-2 as a marker of microvascular complications in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus, Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 4(1), 81-88, (2011).

Some scientifically reviewed papers and reviews discussing the connection between certain matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and Osteoarthritis.

9) Inada, M.; Wang, Y.; Byrne, M.H.; Rahman, M.U.; Miyaura, C.; Lopez-Otin, C.; Krane, S.M.; Critical roles for collagenases-3 (Mmp13) in development of growth plate cartilage and in endochondral ossification, PNAS, 101, 17192-17197, (2004).

10) Sticken, D.; Behonick, D.J. Ortega, N.; Heyer, B.; Hartenstein, B.; Ying, Y.; Fosang, A.J.; Schorpp-Kistner, M.; Angel, P.; Werb, Z.; Altered endochondral bone development in matrix metalloproteinase 13-deficient mice, Development, 131(23), 5883-5895, (2004).

11) Freemonta, A.J.; Bysera, R.J.; Taiwob, Y.O.; Hoylanda, J.A.; In situ zymographic localization of type II collagen degrading activity in osteoarthritic human articular cartilage, Ann. Rheum. Dis., 58, 357-365, (1999).

12) Takaishi, H.; Kimura, T.; Dalal, S.; Okada, Y.; D’Armiento, J.; Joint diseases and matrix metalloproteinases: a role for MMP-13. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 9, 47-54, (2008).

13) Goldring, M.B.; Otero, M.; Plumb, D.A.; Dragomir, C.; Favero, M.; Hachem, K.E.; Hashimoto, K.; Roach, H. I.; Olivotto, E.; Borzi, R.M.; Marcu, K.B.; Roles of inflammatory and anabolic cytokines in cartilage metabolism:  signals and multiple effectors converge upon MMP-13 regulation in osteoarthritis, European Cells and Materials, 21, 202-220, (2011).

14) Martel-Pelletier, J.; Pelletier, J.P.; Is osteoarthritis a disease involving only cartilage or other articular tissues?, Eklem Hastalik Cerrahisis-Joint diseases and related surgery, 21(1), 2-14, (2010).

15) Mohtai M, Smith RL, Schurman DJ, Tsuji Y, Torti FM, Hutchinson NI, et al. Expression of 92-kD type IV collagenase/gelatinase (gelatinase B) in osteoarthritic cartilage and its induction in normal human articular cartilage by interleukin 1, J Clin Invest, 92, 179-85, (1993).

16) Aigner T, Zien A, Hanisch D, Zimmer R.; Gene expression in chondrocytes assessed with use of microarrays. J Bone Joint Surg [Am], 85-A (Suppl 2), 117-23, (2003).

17) Kim, K.S.; Choi, H.M.; Lee, Y.A.; Lee, S.H.; Hong, S.J.; Yanq, H.I.; Yoo, M.C.; Experession levels and association of gelatinases MMP-2 and MMP-9 and collagenases MMP-1 and MMP-13 with VEGF in synovial fluid of patients with arthritis, Rheumatol. Int. 4, 543-547, (2011).